Natural disasters could always be around the corner, but Floridians know it best, once we’re in the swing of summer, hurricanes are brewing just beyond the horizon. Kinetic knows exactly how to prepare your community or home for the upcoming storm season. A detailed hurricane preparedness plan is the difference between a hectic experience and an in-control one. While you can’t manage the weather, you can manage those moments leading up to the storm and make them less stress-inducing, preparing your community or home.

 Preparing Your Community:

There are many ways that you, as a board member or homeowner, can help prepare. Create annual planning calendars with capital asset plans to ensure you are always aware of what you have, and plan accordingly. Create a community-wide warning system to make sure your residents are informed and alerted, host safety and planning meetings, and share a variety of resources to empower your community ahead of a storm through education like a hurricane prep list to aid in their own personal process. Support is the best thing you can give your residents ahead of a storm.

Preparing Your Home:

Of course, there are ways to prep your home in the physical sense, like putting up shutters, preparing your “safe room”, stocking up on the essentials, putting away outdoor furniture and decor, placing sandbags against your doors, and garages to help avoid flooding. There are also administrative aspects: note important addresses and phone numbers, compile copies of vital documents (like insurance, medical records, and medicine), and don't forget the pets! Gather your pet's records, medicine, and food. Know your evacuation zones and shelters nearby. Many shelters do not allow pets so check in advance. Having all this accounted for prior to a storm will help alleviate a layer of stress. It's a good idea to not only have the hard copy in a watertight bag but to have a digital copy saved to a cloud service that you may access from any device at any time. There are many cloud services and some are free (Google Drive) and may be included in your current mobile device.

Preparation is key, and Kinetic is here to help you acquire all the tools you need to get through the storm season. Contact us for more information. Below are links to more resources to help you get prepared for the Hurricane Season.

Thirty-two years ago... August 24th, 2024 marks 32 years since Hurricane Andrew wreaked havoc in Miami-Dade County. More than 25,500 homes were destroyed, leaving about 250,000 people homeless, and 26 people lost their lives. As we approach the peak of hurricane season, we urge County residents to remember the devastation caused by Hurricane Andrew and do everything possible to be hurricane-ready.

Be prepared before, during, and after a storm with the help of Miami-Dade County's 2023 Hurricane Guide. You'll find storm preparation tips, including a checklist of items to keep in your disaster kit and information on how to stay safe and avoid hazards during and after a storm. A new section has been added to address extreme heat, which can affect anyone, especially during a mass power outage after a hurricane. Visit to learn how to sign up for alerts, find your storm surge planning zone, download the Ready MDC mobile app, and access other County resources.

Consider investing in storm shutters or impact-resistant windows to protect your home and valuables. 

MIAMI BEACH, FL – According to city officials, King Tides are expected to roll throughout Miami Beach.
During the king tide period, water levels are higher than average, which can cause massive flooding.

Kind Tides Information - City of Miami Beach

NOAA - NOAA predicts that from May 2023 to April 2024 the U.S. will experience between four to nine high tide flood days — an increase from last year’s prediction of three to seven days and about three times as many than typically occurred in 2000.

Higher than-predicted tides are expected around the following dates in 2024 :

August 30 - September 2
September 27 - October 3 (season peak)
October 15-16
October 25-31

Preparing For Hurricane Season